
Tuesday, June 29, 2010


5 days until myself, Ga-Ga, Kakes, Pat, Malone, and B-saurus depart on our grand trip.  We're looking at driving 3059 miles one way from the East Coast to Idaho.  Yikes!

My kids are pretty good travellers.  We usually make 2 road trips a is 1028 miles away and the other is 769 miles.  This upcoming trip will be by far the longest.  It'll test my patience and their endurance.  I'm sure there will be wonderful memories made and moments that I'll be tempted to leave all 4 of the kids by the side of the road. 

We're not taking the most direct route.  There will be stops to visit with family and a few fun excursions along the way.  Unlike previous trips, I haven't done much planning and the clock is ticking.  I think I'm in denial! 

I'm hoping to post every few days but that will depend on Internet access and how tired I am.  The older 2 kids will have cameras and are taking journals to keep a record of their experiences.  Maybe Kakes or Pat will share a little on the blog what the trip is like for them.

So, welcome to our little travel blog!  I hope you enjoy reading about our adventures.

Now, where are those suitcases....?

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